Our Story

Elysium [ Πεδιον Ηλυσιον ]; an immortal paradise. 


Hi, my name's Daniella.

I founded Elysium as a sort of remedy for feeling homesick.

Missing those long summers in Cyprus, I wanted to recreate the scent of the jasmine arches outside my grandmother's home in the form of a candle.

I fell in love with the way scent captured a moment in time forever.

Since 2019, I've handcrafted thousands of candles inspired by the tales she would tell us under those arches.

Blending Greek mythology, art, and science, Elysium was born to alchemise stories into fragrances.

By sharing these special fragrances, I hope you can find a little inspiration, wonder, and connection in your every day life.


It began with a fascination: The Greek Golden Age.

Nostalgic for a time where art and creativity had peaked in the ancient world, Elysium is a revival of what connects us as humans.

We believe the stories we tell become the worlds that we live in.

Each product is infused with a unique, magical connection to our favourite timeless tale.

Each scent, like a well-crafted story, can evoke memories that transport you across time and space.

And if you allow us, we'll make the mundane become extraordinary.


"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others"
– Pericles


The oldest perfume in the world was found in Cyprus, an hour's drive away from our family home.

Archeologists deemed it 4000 years old.

With a desire to connect with the ancient traditions of my island and create a truly immersive experience, we only use ingredients that were also used in the classical period.

We collaborate with experts in the world of antiquity and rare perfumery to create timeless, long-lasting fragrances.


"In the abysmal dark, the soul is known by scent"
– Heraclitus